Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saboten After

Saboten Con '09 was a fun two day adventure. And perhaps the most different layout-wise. It was held at a Hilton where the middle of the hotel was dominated by a massive cooridor with a bar in the middle. This area housed the Artist Alley which normally at most Cons I've been to, have been the smaller and underappreciated venues. This time around, it was the dominant venue. Normally, it's the vendor room that is massive, this time it was tucked away in one of the smaller conference rooms and only became aware of it's existance late Friday night.

One thing I try to do at a Con if I can, is try something new, because often there are many things happening simultaneously, and I have to or the other.
This con around, I attended a Character Auction. My first thought was that it was a costume auction for some high grade cosplay gettups. Sort of.
I wound up winning a "sort of date" with Nel from Bleach, which included a free dinner. Which meant I got to hang with a professional Cosplay Actress for a few hours while she acted in character, get fed, and hang out with other "in character" cosplayers. It was fun engaging these characters in conversations, talking specifically to the character than the person, and them responding in kind.

Of course, the big thing that made it all were the people. As always. The good rock and roll people. The Hotel Staff that I personally dealt with were down with what we were doing to their place of business, and knew the drill. Jo on the other hand got the assholes.

Also met up with my old school chum Tosh Delaney, keeping the spirit of Stump Comix alive and well with his own comic book publications. A great friend and a great artist.

Didn't spend a dime in the Vendor room. I toured those shelves for a title, any title I might want, and lo, I realized all I ever could want to read I can read online.
Though it's nice to support the publisher.

So here's to all of you, who attended Saboten Con '09, and may we all meet again at the next one.

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